About Me

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I am Spiritual and I Love Embracing My Spirituality, I Love GOD and JESUS and All Other Living Things...  “The greatest thing that we will ever learn is to love and be loved in return.” (Eden Abhez) My motto is:  I love everyone, if you have a problem with me, it's your problem, I love you.   Life is too Short to Sweat Stuff that I have Zero Control Over, Meaning You and Your Actions Toward Me.   I Trust GOD and JESUS CHRIST, So, Please Accept My Faith. I Accept Your Religious Faith.  My Faith Is Inclusive of a Father God, Jesus Christ as His Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Auteria Wallace Winzer Jr

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Auteria Wallace Winzer,
A Con Artist and Mooch...
I met Auteria Wallace Winzer Jr
via a note at Blackplanet.com.
He can be very charming and
his page has such nice things on
it concerning black women.
It was easy to be charmed by his words.
Especially if you are into words,
I fell for all the nice things that
he had to say about black women.
I know I am not the only one.
He came on really strong initially,
and I truly thought he was
He truly has his con game down and
has no remorse. Over the course of 19 months
our fake relationship progressed from friendship
to talk of marriage and purchase of a home in
Conyers, GA. Fortunately for me at the last
moment, I decided to purchase the home alone
due his anger and unresponsiveness about living
in Conyers right before the purchase.

He charmed me out of substantially over $10k in
money and so many other things. At the time of my
final breakup, I helped him open a bank account trying
to help him because he claimed his corporate account
had been closed for some time. I thought I could help
him out but even that backfired.  I have records to
prove that I helped him obtain a cell phone, credit
card, and a bank account so I am waiting for my day
in court.  He has threaten to take me to court, therefore
I am waiting for that day so that I can counter sue
showing all my documents…
The California Child Support Agency found the
account and they took money from it and applied
them to his debt with them. Auteria claimed he had
$80k embezzled from his business which he calls
WahLeeWhirl. But the reality is I think he lost that
money during another court case from one of his other
victims. He claims his music career is on hiatus while
he works his business and he claims that he plans to
one day return to the music industry but he can't
hold a job long enough to do anything but steal from
women. I've spoke to him via the phone many times
and he has yet to admit that he is a con.

On me personally, he used a con stating that he has
a lawsuit pending that will pay him for losing conscious
while at a worksite because of a poisonous gas leak.
According to him the company has defaulted in
paying him and he is currently waiting for them to
pay him but they are racking up thousands in penalties
because he was due payment in February 2009. I will
not be the last woman this man has conned.

We all need to get together and file charges against
Auteria. Our friendship had gone on for 19 months
but he acts as if he is immune to the hurt and anger
between us over his con game. He needs to go to jail.
Please contact me if you wish to join me in taking him
to court. He owes me too much money to just let him
get away as an internet con man and predator.

Presently, I don't have his exact location and phone
number handy. I just moved here, so I am seeking
employment and as soon as I find it, I will file charges
against him.

Please contact me at lerses@comcast.net if you wish
to join me in filing suit against this internet predator.
He has absolutely No Remorse for His Actions and will
calmly tell you to act like a lady and just let him contact
you when he receives his money from his so called
lawsuit. He had the audacity to request that I stop
calling him during our last conversation. Finally, after
a while he blocked his phone. (By the way, it is a phone
that I assisted him in obtaining from AT&T. Yeah
right!  He is wrong for all his lying and stealing. 
We need to stop him. I am prepared to take him to

If you have a case against him please join me. I can be
reached at lerses@comcast.net. If he has conned you
and you don't want to take him to court alone because
you feel like a fool, join me. I feel like a fool but I refuse
to just let him continue to steal from other women and
enjoy the money he is stealing. I fell for his crap but
fortunately, I had the foresight to make him sign an
IOU many women fail to do that. I have an IOU with his
name, SSAN and signature so when I finally take him to
court. I want to see him talk his way out of that...
Contact me, if you want to join me in a lawsuit. 
Look at this note from BushGirl that I received in
April 2011: Loerses, I chose to remain nameless,
but Auteria is on his way to Hawaii right now
as we speak. He should be here tonight at 8:12pm
tonigt. I am in awe right now.
I have been searching for something to prove that
he was not real. Auteria and I have been speaking
online and over the email since January 2011. 
He told me he was in business with IBM and he
was working from home.
He asked me to loan him $12,500 dollars because
IBM did not pay him his overtime pay. I am a single
parent and even if I had that kind of money, I
knew he was not getting it.  He began to get very
upset with me because I would not give it to him,
then began to tell me he was hurt because I would
not give him the money. Then he told me he was
in love with me and he wanted to marry me.
He utilized God to get what he wanted. I knew
something was wrong when I would ask him to turn
on his web cam, send me a recent picture of him from
his phone and other things. He told me he had to
have surgery for his throat and he was always in the
emergency room. I do sympathize with you and do
 appreciate you stopping or preventing something
from happening. He told me he spent all his money
on coming here. Things still did not seem right,
because I asked him about the foods he was eating
and he told me he was trying to eat real food even
though his throat was raw. Wow is all I can say right
now. I despise men that cannot go out there and get
a real job and do the right thing. Like I said I am a
single woman with two children, one of which is in
college. This is just ludicrius.
But thanks to the love of my daughter,
she is the one that caught this information. 
Unfortunately, he will be stuck at the airport. 
So he is the one getting played tonight. If you
need me for anything, you can contact me here.
Good luck and allow God to be the one to take him
down. I know you may be hurting, but pray about
this and leave everything in God's hands. I will be
praying for you and this issue. Thanks once again
for speaking out.”

This note proves that Auteria is still trying to con
Here are some of Auteria’s Links:



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Marvette has left this new comment on my post "Auteria Wallace Winzer Jr - Still Conning Women": He/she said this...

    I'm sorry but after reading this over and over I must conclude that you appear to be a scorned rejected, hurt, pity party seeking, vindictive miserable woman, you stated that you had a relationship with this man for 18 months. You CONTRADICTED yourself by stating 1)he took up to $10k then you said and I Quote: 2)"Luckily for me I'm just out of my time & a little commute money". You want him to have a job but you don't have a job. When a person gives you their SSN & IOU signed usually they have decent intentions. Please don't play the God card 1 minute saying "I am putting this in God's hands", then post slanderous comments and statements that are one sided on a public forum for the world to see and admit you were in a 18 month relationship that simply did not go as you planned.

    Here's my answer to him/her or Marvette/Auteria:

    If you find it okay for men and women to con other men and women out of their life's hard work and cash while they wine and dine other suspecting victims using the money that they conned from you? You have issues yourself...

    However personally, I believe that you are the perpetrator himself (Mr. Auteria Wallace Winzer Jr.) trying to fool the people that I am warning about your antics in conning people.

    Nice try Marvette/Auteria, but remember I have an IOU with your name, social security number and signature. Civil Court for damages is forthcoming. Don't fret, I haven't forgotten how much you owe me including that $100 that the Alameda County Child Services took from that bank account on behalf of your Child Support Payments. I also have a copy of the letter that they sent to the bank. Why not tell the world that you owed over $270K at that time that they took that money. You are a major con, Marvette, or ahem: Auteria...

    P.S. I am not scorned, just angry and broke momentarily, but GOD willing I will have my day in court with other conned women versus you and "you can take that to the bank" ...

  3. Auteria's last words to me after conning me for over 19 months were: Loretta, "Just be a lady and let it go".

    Yeah right, in your dreams buddy. We are going to court. You are a sociopath and a con man and "I am a lady but I am not letting it go".
    They may have removed your information from Don't Date Him Girl.com but I refuse to remove it from this blog. Come on take me to court. We both know I would win.

    Stop conning people. You deserve an orange jumpsuit in the Alameda County Court Jail...
