A Con Artist and Sociopath...
I met Auteria Wallace Winzer Jr
via a note at Blackplanet.com.
He can be very charming and
his page has such nice things on
it concerning black women.
It was easy to be charmed by his words.
Especially if you are into words,
I fell for all the nice things that
he had to say about black women.
I know I am not the only one.
He came on really strong initially,
and I truly thought he was
Well, he is sincerely a fraud and on July 5th
I spoke to another of his victims. As I have stated
previously. He is a MOOCH. He is not getting any
better, he is getting worse...
Ladies beware. All he wants is your money and he
does not care where you obtain your money. He is a sociopath and ruthless. I have been notified by 5 women this year via the internet stating that Auteria is still begging for money and claiming that he is assisting his son attend college. Here is a brief definition of a Sociopath:
Sociopaths Common Features & Descriptions of Their Behavior:
Yahoo 360, BlackPeopleMeet, BlackPlanet, MySpace, Linkedin, Love Happens and I'm positive a few others. He goes by AWWJ or AWWJR which stands for Auteria Wallace Winzer Jr. Since he's computer literate he tries to lose people via adding an extra letter or spaces or periods in his user handle (i.e. Winnzer or Wwinzer or he uses Wally instead of Wallace). His comfort zone is email and instant messenger so he can carry more than one conversation at a time. This man goes around pathologically perpetrating and preying on women out of a deep psychological insecurity. While he operates like he cares and is concerned he really is self centered and devious and only wished to exploit and use women for his own gain. Yes ladies and gentlemen Auteria for some strange reason believes he is a common day playa but is nothing more than a weak insecure man with a weak and little you know what. He constantly flaunts his possessions and makes promise to lure a woman into believing she has met Mr. Wonderful-.it is only a ploy. He feeds his ego but can never be satisfied because he was abandoned and denied by significant women he's met in his lifetime. So he puts his displaced resentment out on undeserving women. This guy is definitely going to step to the wrong person and he's gonna get what fate and karma have to give back. He likes to lead someone onto the idea that they will be well taken care of and he will buy cars, and take them along on professional softball team trips (like a spouse). His demeanor comes off as though he is deeply spiritual and allows God to guide his moves. When actually he uses this as a motive to make you believe he is sincere with his lies. Mostly, Auteria hides behind a computer because he's not man enough nor has he the capacity to carry conversations of any substance in-person live. Mainly he wants to impress a person with his personal belongings and high lifestyle-. which again is all fake. Yes, Auteria has not some luggage but major trunk loads of it and he is reckless and dangerous. Once he's been made he backs up ten steps quickly does not walk but runs the other direction. He has no guilt and will try to make you believe that it's you that has a problem and that he will not tolerate insecurities. He calls it his 'zero tolerance' rule-..except he never speaks of it before he's caught or made in whatever imaginary person and world he's a manager to create with some. This man is seriously insecure which is why he lies and is a definite sociopath (please take the time to look the definition up in a medical book or dictionary. He's a LOSER and most of all a COWARD. A little more background information-... Auteria will claim to own a high-rise $150k-220k condo property in
Her daughter's last name is Smith-..it's possible but she could have been adopted or something over the years but I have a feeling this is another rejection issue in Auteria's life. The only area I found any info on him whatsoever that was ***ociated with music was and old article where he did some work with the late Sylvester....Yes ladies and gentlemen...the very gay Sylvester...which turns me to the consideration that he may be gay. Yikes!!!!!!!
Auteria really went on an escapade with talk about his musical involvements and career. He claims his career is on hiatus while he works his business with what he calls WahLeeWorld or some variation of WallyWorld. But the reality is that he's just a contracted security/network manager for Sun Micro. He claims to one day return back to the music industry and builds a music studio and all the greatest will show up to record and ask for his collaboration services. WHAT A JOKE! He is simply lost in his own illusions of grandeur! I will post several recent pictures and some from a year back he gave me so he shouldn't be hard to recognize. Luckily for me, I'm just out of my time and a little commute money. Ladies and gentlemen. I can tell he's been doing this for some time. Especially after talking with another lady who took him to court in 2006 for lies and stealing from her thousands of dollars. AGAIN! Can we say, SOCIOPATH!! He's even now created a website called AWWJ.com which again masks as a tool to pull people in like he's a resource. BE VERY CAREFUL WHAT INFO YOU SHARE WITH HIM ON THIS WEBSITE. HE HAS CREDIT SERVICES TYPE LINKS AND DO NOT FORGET HIS COMPUTER GEEK SIDE THAT HE DOES POSSESS. Oh, and let me not forget another lady he pissed off who posted him up on 'Don't Date Him Girl '" See the deal he ran on her at http://dontdatehimgirl.com/search/index.asp type in AWWJ Auteria - Scripture says "All things come to the light". You're blocking your Blessing moving in the stream of dishonesty. You are almost 50 yrs old. This is a WARNING not a smear campaign. We have some real sick people in the world and Auteria is one of them. If he really wants to redeem himself he'll get some long-overdue counseling and really connect with his spirit. Otherwise, he's DEAD MAN WALKING!
About Me

- Loretta Erses
- I am Spiritual and I Love Embracing My Spirituality, I Love GOD and JESUS and All Other Living Things... “The greatest thing that we will ever learn is to love and be loved in return.” (Eden Abhez) My motto is: I love everyone, if you have a problem with me, it's your problem, I love you. Life is too Short to Sweat Stuff that I have Zero Control Over, Meaning You and Your Actions Toward Me. I Trust GOD and JESUS CHRIST, So, Please Accept My Faith. I Accept Your Religious Faith. My Faith Is Inclusive of a Father God, Jesus Christ as His Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Auteria Wally Winzer Jr
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I'm sorry but after reading this over and over, I must conclude that you appear to be a scorned rejected, hurt, pity party seeking, vindictive miserable woman. You stated that you had a relationship with this man for 18 months. You CONTRADICTED yourself by stating 1)he took up to $10k then you said and I Quote: 2)"Luckily for me I'm just out of my time & a little commute money". You want him to have a job but you don't have a job. When a person gives you their SSN & IOU signed usually they have decent intentions. Please don't play the God card 1 minute saying "I am putting this in God's hands", then post slanderous comments and statements that are one sided on a public forum for the world to see and admit you were in a 18 month relationship that simply did not go as you planned.
ReplyDeleteMarvette has left this new comment on my post "Auteria Wallace Winzer Jr - Still Conning Women": He/she said this...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but after reading this over and over I must conclude that you appear to be a scorned rejected, hurt, pity party seeking, vindictive miserable woman, you stated that you had a relationship with this man for 18 months. You CONTRADICTED yourself by stating 1)he took up to $10k then you said and I Quote: 2)"Luckily for me I'm just out of my time & a little commute money". You want him to have a job but you don't have a job. When a person gives you their SSN & IOU signed usually they have decent intentions. Please don't play the God card 1 minute saying "I am putting this in God's hands", then post slanderous comments and statements that are one sided on a public forum for the world to see and admit you were in a 18 month relationship that simply did not go as you planned.
Here's my answer to him/her or Marvette/Auteria:
If you find it okay for men and women to con other men and women out of their life's hard work and cash while they wine and dine other unsuspecting victims using the money that they conned from you? You have issues yourself...
However personally, I believe that you are the perpetrator himself (Mr. Auteria Wallace Winzer Jr.) trying to fool the people that I am warning about your antics in conning people.
Nice try Marvette/Auteria, but remember I have an IOU with your name, social security number and signature. Civil Court for damages is forthcoming. Don't fret, I haven't forgotten how much you owe me including that $100 that the Alameda County Child Services took from that bank account on behalf of your Child Support Payments. I also have a copy of the letter that they sent to the bank. Why not tell the world that you owed over $270K at that time that they took that money. You are a major con, Marvette, or ahem: Auteria...
P.S. I am not scorned, just angry and broke momentarily, but GOD willing I will have my day in court with other conned women versus you and "you can take that to the bank" ...
Auteria's last words to me after conning me for over 19 months were: Loretta, "Just be a lady and let it go".
ReplyDeleteYeah right, in your dreams buddy. We are going to court. You are a sociopath and a con man and "I am a lady but I am not letting it go".
They may have removed your information from Don't Date Him Girl.com but I refuse to remove it from this blog. Come on take me to court. We both know I would win.
Stop conning people. You deserve an orange jumpsuit in the Alameda County Court Jail...