About Me

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I am Spiritual and I Love Embracing My Spirituality, I Love GOD and JESUS and All Other Living Things...  “The greatest thing that we will ever learn is to love and be loved in return.” (Eden Abhez) My motto is:  I love everyone, if you have a problem with me, it's your problem, I love you.   Life is too Short to Sweat Stuff that I have Zero Control Over, Meaning You and Your Actions Toward Me.   I Trust GOD and JESUS CHRIST, So, Please Accept My Faith. I Accept Your Religious Faith.  My Faith Is Inclusive of a Father God, Jesus Christ as His Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Email Scam Artist - Sir. Daniel Sarchin (Australian Lottery)

From: Sir. Daniel Sarchin: sdsarchin@yahoo.com
CONGRATULATIONS!! LUCKY WINNER!! CONGRATULATIONS!! (sdlvin@yandex.com) has invited you to join Every Block, the best way to follow neighborhood news and connect with your neighbors, all the way down to the block level.


Good News E-mail Owner,

You have been awarded a total sum of $2.000,000 Million Dollars from our just concluded Australian Lottery Free promotions. Send an e-mail to sdsarchin@yahoo.com to collect your prize. Be reminded to quote your Full Names, Telephone, Occupation, Country and Age to : sdsarchin@yahoo.com / For our Quick reply telephone: SIR. DANIEL SARCHIN: +447031941115.

From Ms. Golinda Henshaw
As for this message if to the extent this electronic communication or any of its attachments contain information that is not in the public domain, such information is considered by MedImmune to be confidential and proprietary. This communication is expected to be read and/or used only by the individual(s) for whom it is intended. If you have received this electronic communication in error, please reply to the sender advising of the error in transmission and delete the original message and any accompanying documents from your system immediately, without copying, reviewing or otherwise using them for any purpose. Thank you for your cooperation.

WARNING!! Do not reply to sdlvin@yandex.com AVOID BEING REMOVED OUT OF LIST

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